Monday, April 29, 2013

Strapless Dress Phobia? Try Our Newest 20 Minute Tone-up & You ...

Wedding season is on the way fast ladies, are you ready to wear that strapless dress in your closet? One of the most effective ways to make sure your back, chest, and arms are ready for sundress season is to amp up your weight lifting routine. Pick one day per week to focus on your upper body and complete a routine like this one which is specific fitness for women. You will be toned up and ready to rock that strapless dress in no time!

20 Minute Tone-Up: F

time:?20-30 min. depending on fitness level

add-ons:??Try combining this workout with 20-30min. of cardio on the bike, elliptical, or treadmill.

Warm-up:?Complete a proper warm-up of 5-10 minutes of jogging and some dynamic stretching.

*Note: This routine is designed to be completed quickly, you can do it in 20 min., but you will have to push yourself!!! Never sacrifice form though:)*

  • Lat Pull Down- 15x
  • Fit Ball Crunches

repeat set 3x

  • Compound Rows- 15x
  • Push-ups- 25x

repeat set 3x

  • Assisted Pull-ups/Dips- 10x each
  • Pec Fly- 15x

repeat set 3x

  • Overhead Press
  • Biceps Curl
  • Cable Triceps Push-down

repeat set 3x

Cool Down:??Complete a proper cool down including 5 min. of slow jogging or walking?and 5-15 min. of static stretching.

Click because we have more?fitness for women?AND awesome?weight loss help!

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