Sunday, June 9, 2013

The Family C: Parenting Style: Food

Recently it came to my attention that we don't talk a ton on here about how we parent. You can see a lot of our parenting style by reading through blog posts about our family but I don't think I've talked about it directly very often. Since one of the purposes of this blog is to help birth moms get to know us as they're looking for an adoptive family I'm going to try to put better effort into talking about how we handle various parenting situations.?

So, as they come up or I think of them I'll do a little post* :) The purpose of doing this is to let people know how we do things (or are trying to do things) not to debate or be?criticized.?So, if you think we're nuts keep it to yourself :) This might sound kind of boring but I think it's nice hearing how other people handle different situations and figuring out what we feel works best.?

So, for the first post about our parenting...


How do we handle dinner time? Are we 'eat everything on your plate' people?
One rule we have for dinner is you have to eat one bite of everything that was made. If Aurelia wants to be done with dinner she can be done when she's tried everything. She doesn't need to eat it all, she just has to have one bite of everything.

The other rule is if you don't finish your dinner and get hungry later, your dinner is what you eat. Eat what you were given and if you're still hungry then you can have something else.

We like doing things this way because...
  • it encourages having new foods. Aurelia knows she just has to try one bite.?
  • It discourages over-eating. She isn't forced to sit there and clear her plate even when she isn't terribly hungry.
  • She knows she can't throw a fit and get down to just have something else later. She eats what she's hungry for and if she's hungry later she finishes what she was given.
  • We feel like it encourages healthy eating habits. Eat small bits of everything and don't over-eat.


Aurelia didn't want to eat her pasta a few nights ago. She had a few bites (try everything) and wanted to be done. A little bit later she asked for peanut butter toast. We told her she would have to finish her pasta first (eat what you were given, then you can have something else). She threw a fit because she didn't want to eat the pasta and asked for other things. Just before bedtime she went ahead and ate the rest of her pasta and then we gave her some peanut butter toast.

Do we bribe with food?

Bribing with food can encourage the "food gives me an emotional reward" feeling. Again, something that can lead to issues later especially if you're bribing with junk food. That being said, we totally bribe with food :) But hear me out! We regularly bribe with blueberries, strawberries, apples, raisins, etc. Those are Aurelia's most common "treats". ?This makes it so not only is she getting more of her healthy food but she's associating those healthy foods with the positive emotions from being praised and rewarded.


A few days ago Aurelia was having a tough time with trying her green beans. We told her "eat three green beans and then you can have some blue berries". Worked like a charm.

Some other random food things we do:?

- We read ingredients on our bread and buy bread sweetened with honey rather than some of the other crazy things that get used in bread. This summer we're going to really try to make our own bread. We'll see how that goes.

- As a family we try to eat "real" food. We try to eat mostly things that are as close to the way they were when they were alive. When we go grocery shopping, most of our cart is fresh or frozen produce.
- This summer we're growing tomatoes. When we move into our more permanent home we want to have a big food garden :) Yum!

*Posts about how we parent will have the "Parenting" tag. You can click the Parenting link at the bottom of the post or in the "In Our Blog" list on the side of the blog to see all the posts directly related to the way we parent.


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