Saturday, July 20, 2013

Healthy Business Travel?Outdoors Part II | Run Eat Repeat

This is Part II of my Healthy Business Travel blog series. You can see Part I here <- And please tell me you watched my travel vlog because I A.) made a fool of myself in public on that park bench because I almost fell trying to jump over it being funny and B.) had SR and Tina be my videographers on location around the world.

running out of teepee 450x800 thumb Healthy Business Travel?Outdoors Part II

Full disclosure ? I signed on to do these travel posts with National Car Rental a few months back knowing my travel schedule is ridic this year. These are resources I use and wanted to pass on to help you. I travel through life on foot and thought I could share my tips on this topic. Enjoy!

Running or walking is one of the easiest exercises to maintain while you?re traveling. All you need is some sidewalk or a safe road or trail. I personally have been running or walking on vacation for years and years ? this is from my road trip across the US from 4 years ago!running in salt lake city thumb Healthy Business Travel?Outdoors Part II

But, there are still a few deterrents to running out of town so here are some tips/tools to help you get out there.

1. Running Apps ? These apps will help you know where to run and track how much you ran.



Map My Run

If you don?t have a magic phone check out Google Maps before you leave. Make sure to use the ?walking? option so you get a pedestrian friendly route.

Or just ask the hotel?s front desk! When I was in San Francisco in April I checked the map but was still a little unclear. So, before I left I asked the front desk and they pulled out a paper map that I could have. Then, the concierge drew right on it the exact route I should take to the Golden Gate Bridge. It was perfect!

running across the golden gate bridge thumb Healthy Business Travel?Outdoors Part II

2.? Races ? Before you go check these race sign-up sites to find out if there is a race in the city you?re visiting. When I visited Santa Rosa last year I was super bummed that there was a race Saturday morning that I missed! I could have ran it if I just checked before I left. #Fail

Check these race listing sites before you go:

3. Plan for it ? Pack your exercise gear. Then, carve out a realistic time before you are on your trip that will be set aside for running or walking.

It doesn?t have to be a lot of time, something a nice walk is enough to get your heart pumping and combat the stress of travel.

4. Refuel after your exercise. Most markets and corner stores will have some healthy refueling options. Good choices have a 4:1 carbs to protein ratio. Some options: chocolate milk, turkey sandwich, some protein bars.

Since trekking from CA to NY is such a long trip I packed chicken jerky and trail mix in my purse (things that won?t spoil). Diet DP is optional wlEmoticon smile2 Healthy Business Travel?Outdoors Part II?

turkey jerky and soda thumb Healthy Business Travel?Outdoors Part II

Most airports have fruit and yogurt options too ? but they?re pricey so try to pack what you can before depending on that.

A question I get a lot is, ?Can you take yogurt through airport security??

Technically no since it would probably be considered a ?gel? and should be kept to 2 oz. (this is open to discretion though). But I have gotten it through before not realizing I packed it as part of my lunch. I have also gotten stopped for a jar of nut butter and hot sauce (coming back from Panama). And I once stood at the security line for five minutes as they discussed whether or not to let me through with oatmeal. Now I take packets and make it with hot water when I get through.

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Moral of the story -? pack things that are ?safe? to get through security so you?re not starving on the other side!

Ultimately, you can enjoy your travels while staying active ? it?s just a matter of Prepare, Plan and Action:

Prepare ? Pack your exercise gear.

Plan ? Ask the hotel concierge or research where you?ll run or walk.

Make it happen ? Carve out some time in your trip to exercise just like you would make time to visit a museum or take a tour.

For more tips and tricks follow #HealthyBizTravel on twitter.

Question: Do you have a favorite app you use to track your activity?

I have a few apps, but I love just using a map and/or asking someone local.

This post was sponsored by National Rent A Car all opinions are my own.


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